The ancient Greek religion consists of various rituals as well as beliefs which were practiced both publically and as cults too. There have been 14 main Greek goddesses and gods which include Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Athena, Demeter, Hades, and Hermes.

Ancient Greek Religion

Now there were different cities which would worship the different gods and the goddesses.

Ancient Greek Religion

Greek religion Facts

Now the ancient Greeks were the ones who believed in the concept of an afterlife. They believed that an underworld existed where all the spirits of those who passed away went to. They also believed that if they did not hold a funeral for the departed, then the soul of that person would never get the chance to reach that underworld. Hence the spirit would haunt the face of the earth forever.

Ancient Greek Religion


Now a widespread area of the underworld was the region of Hayes. This area was ruled by a god who was called Hades. Another was called Tartarus where all those who were damned went to as a torture area. The third area was called Elysium where all those who were victorious went to.

what is the greek religion called

Ancient Greek religion says that great warriors like Achilles, Ganymede, Ino and so on, those who had fought the Trojan wars and also the Theban wars, lived in Elysium forever, after their deaths. Ancient Greek religion had certain ceremonies which were usually performed in the alters.

Ancient Greek Religion

Homers Odyssey

These ceremonies were usually devoted to a particular god, or a particular statue or even a group of gods. You would even have animal sacrifices at times. The sacrifices were restricted to the domestic animals, which were done at the altar accompanied by prayers and hymns. You can find some of the sacrifices described in Homers Odyssey.

Apart from sacrifices and ceremonies, ancient Greek religion also had a lot of temples which were built in the name of the different gods. One of the most famous ones is that of Zeus which is at Olympia. The offering would constantly be given to the deities by the priests who were appointed by the people.