Ancient Greek Kids: Life in ancient Greece was not a bed of roses for babies. They had a hard time to survive. Many died in the first couple days of life explaining why babies did not receive names until the seventh or tenth day of life. If a baby was born deformed, it might have been abandoned on a mountain (more often female babies were abandoned than males).

The social status of a child determined whether life was going to be hard or fun for him/her. Certainly, the life of a child of an aristocrat or citizen was different from the life of a child slave. Lives also varied from one city-state to another.

Ancient Greek practices

If a baby was born deformed, it might have been abandoned on a mountain (more often female babies were abandoned than males). Although such babies were raised by slaves and poor people as their own to make up for their own children.

In some Greek cities, there was an unusual practice; Ancient Greek Children were wrapped up in clothes until they were about two years old to ensure straight and strong limbs. The children mostly spent their childhood in the company of their mothers. They were breastfed by their mother and sometimes even by wet nurses. They were even fed in bottles made through pottery. They slept in cradles that were specially made for children of wood or wicker wood.

After five days of their birth they were formally included into the family with a ceremony known as Amphidromia, where the the father carried the child around the hearth which held great meaning for the Ancient Greeks. It was also an offering to the goddess of the hearth, Hestia to pray for her protection.

Boys of greece

Growing up in Ancient Greece

In some Greek cities, there was an unusual practice; children were wrapped up in cloths until they were about two years old to ensure straight and strong limbs.Children spent the majority of their time with their mother. While they were being raised, girls would receive their entire education and training in the home with their mothers. Boys, on the other hand, might learn their father’s trade or go to school around the age of seven.


Ancient Greek Kids: Girls

Ancient Greek girls were not given any formal education and thus were not sent to school. They were mostly educated by their mother or by the slaves. They spent their childhood mostly within the walls of their house. They were trained in the art of housekeeping and so were taught how to spin and weave, and also cooking which were supposed to be done by the women.

Girls were said to attain puberty at ages twelve or thirteen and were considered fit to get married. They took their childhood toys and left them at the temple of Artemis significant of the fact that their childhood was over and that they were becoming adults. After attaining the age of puberty they were married off by their father or brothers which included paying a high dowry to the groom. After marrying, the women were expected to have a baby. Not being able to bear children was seen as a curse from the gods.

Ancient Greece Kids: Boys

Boys were given more priority in comparison to girls in Ancient Greece just like in many other civilizations. They took their first sips of wine during a festival for the God of vines, Dionysus and also began assisting rituals meant for Gods.

From the age of six, their formal education began in schools. They were required to read Greek texts, and philosophical theories and memorize the poems. They were also trained to become warriors, and for that, they were physically trained to fight. So the boys were able to recite poems and even learned to sing. They were also able to read and write.

From a young age, they started practising in the gymnasium to improve their physicality which was greatly valued for males in ancient Greece. Many became experts in running, jumping, discus, wrestling, and throwing spears as athletes who held great prestige in society.

Boys in several ancient Greek cities were required to join the army for two years of service at the age of eighteen while many cities required males to reach the age of thirty before they were able to participate in city politics.

greeke girls


Spartan kids

The Spartans had quite different customs than the other Greek city-states. They believed in their natural superiority. So weak or deformed children were abandoned.

They had a peculiar ceremony of drowning their children in wine to test their strength as the ones who cried were abandoned to die or made into slaves. They started training their children at the age of 7. They took boys to barracks at that age and would not be allowed to leave until he was 30 years old.

Even girls were given education in weaponry as even women were expected if required. They were prepared to direct slaves as agriculture was a field overseen by the women with the help of the slaves in Sparta.

The children were left in extremely tough conditions and treated harshly to make them tough. They were encouraged to steal but on being caught, they would be whipped without mercy.

They were all trained in sports, exercises, history and even politics and literature. They were not as culturally enriched like the Athenians so they believed in leading an aesthetic life and similarly their children were brought in similar tough conditions.

Ancient Greek Kid’s Games

The kids in ancient Greek had a number of toys to play with, in their pastime. Dolls, rattles, tops, swings, and many other items have been unearthed by archaeologists. As is seen today, those from richer families had a greater assortment of toys, while those from poorer families were expected to work for the family at a much younger age. Evidence also shows that Greeks kept pets such as dogs, pigs, tortoises, and caged birds. One ritual designated for young girls was the agora or swinging ritual.

There were many games common for ancient Greek children like Ephedrismos which was a type of piggyback game, Ostrakinda which included chasing each other. Juggling was another common game that was encouraged to improve their senses and instincts. The Greeks had many ball games like Episkyros but they used pig bladders for a ball instead of rubber like in modern times.

Some other games were:

Ancient GreekBaby Toys

The social status of a child determined whether life was going to be hard or fun for him/her. Certainly, the life of a child of an aristocrat or citizen was different from the life of a child slave. Lives also varied from one city-state to another.